boxes is a set of specialised containers built on top of STL

pipeline status

Boxes is a set of frequently used containers built on top of STL.

Data structures within this library are implemented without any use-case specific optimisations applied on top. The purpose is to have a more rich catalogue of ready-made containers for general purposes.


The library supports both meson and CMake build systems.


meson setup bld
meson configure -Dbuildtype=release bld
meson compile -C bld
meson install -C bld


Conan is required to install dependencies.

conan install -of bld --build=missing --settings=build_type=Release .
source bld/build/Release/generators/

Building with cmake presets

cmake --preset conan-release
cmake --build --preset conan-release

Building traditional way

cmake \
    -Bbld/build/Release/generators \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -G Ninja

ninja -C bld/build/Release/generators install

Using libboxes in Conan/CMake project

In your conanfile.txt add:


In your CMakeLists.txt add:

find_package(libboxes REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(myexe libboxes::libboxes)

For local development you don't have to rely on conan center. Just run:

conan create .

libboxes is built and cached in your local conan cache now.


Doxygen documentation is available here.

Containers catalogue

  • RingBuffer
  • LinkedVector
  • Cache with LRU/MRU/LFU eviction policies
  • Bloom filter with a customisable set of hash functions
    • Murmur2A
    • Bob Jenkins' One at a time
    • XXHash64


  • [x] Implement Bloom filter
  • [ ] Implement Cuckoo filter
  • [ ] Implement Skip list
  • [x] Add LICENSE file
  • [x] Add examples
  • [x] Add Doxygen documentation for LinkedVector
  • [x] Add Doxygen documentation for Cache
  • [x] Add bloom filter examples (generic one + different hash families usage)