boxes is a set of specialised containers built on top of STL
▼Nboxes | |
▼Ncache | |
▼Npolicy | |
CLFU | Eviction policy that evicts the least frequently used element |
CMRU | Constructs a new MRU eviction policy |
CNoEviction | Eviction policy that never evicts elements |
CCache | Generic cache with pluggable eviction policies |
▼Nfilter | |
▼Nbloom | |
CBloom | A generic bloom filter implementation |
▼Nhash | |
CBJOneAtATime | Boxes wrapper for Bob Jenkins' One-at-a-Time algorithm |
CHashWithSeedFamily | Abstracts a hash family functor that requires a seed n times with different seed |
CKirschMitzenmacher | Abstracts a Kirsch-Mitzenmacher hash family functor |
CMurmur2A_X64_64 | Boxes wrapper for the Murmur2A algorithm |
CXXHash64 | Boxes wrapper for the xxhash64 algorithm |
CLinkedVector | Implements a vector-like container that uses a linked list of fixed-size chunks to store its elements |
CRingBuffer | Implements a fixed-size double ended queue |